It took me a while to find a bullshit community worthy of posting, but I finally found one.There is a cult in Russia who worships Gadget Hackwrench, a mouse character featured in Disney's "Chip 'n' Dale's Rescue Rangers" cartoon series, as a goddess. Members of this cult pray to posters of her, gather for discussions of how wonderful she is, write songs about her, and spread around stickers of her wherever they go.
Now it goes without saying that this is complete and utter nonsense, but many people actually idolize and worship this cartoon mouse as some kind of idol or goddess. Here are some quotes from several followers of this strange cult: : “She is the divine being, the most untouched and perfect sibling of the great God on Earth”. “Why I love her? It’s a stupid question, how could I not love the Goddess?”. “She is strict, cute, optimistic and her level of technical knowledge is unachievable for a mortal being.” One 'believer' had particularly strong feeling for both Gadget and the cult itself, saying “I’m Russian and my English isn’t very well… I’ve found one pic with Gadget in web a couple of days ago, on a popular entertainment site, with a little article of who she is and her story. From that moment i just fell in love with her. Gadget crashed me into pieces. Her beauty, intelligence, kindness, mixed with fix-it-girl image is so tempting. She’s perfect. In our dirty world She’s the only angel. I downloaded lots of her pictures within some days and keep looking and looking on her, just can’t take my eyes off. I absolutely understand the men who started the cult, because Gadget gives all us the hope that there’s the endless beauty in our world. The ideal girl. Which we’ll never meet in reality. I love you, Gadget.”
Interesting stuff. As you can iagine, there are many people who attack the group in disbelief, calling their practuces stupid or labelling the cults' members as posers. I noticed there is little the cult members and supporters can say back to these attacks on their religion, but one member sums it up nicely in a response to a hateful comment: "Don’t criticize what you don’t understand. Her touch, albeit mental, is transformational."
So there you have it, a religion based entirely off the image of a Disney character, and a vague one at that.I guess this just goes to show that anything is possible, especially when it comes to cults and religion.